Friday, May 7, 2010

Exhibition Reflection

So far, we are doing pretty well in exhibition. We are halfway through with exhibition. Some people have turned in permission slips for the dance. Those that have turned it in by today, will get to be in a drawing for a music CD. I am in the book drive group. We are in charge of decorations, collecting books, and food. Today I plan to accomplish decorations. A mentor helped me finish them much quicker than before. I could actually finish two of them in one day. Now, I plan to take even more than before. I really hope to finish them by today or Monday. We are done with the newspaper, and we have put the information on the announcements. On Tuesday, I want to possibly help collect books. On Wednesday, I plan to to print some recipes that some one or possibly I could cook for the exhibition dance. That's a big thing that we need to work on. Nobody is really bringing food. I think that we really need food for the dance. It's a huge goal for the group. I was thinking that we could make something in class, but it has to be super easy.

Friday, April 30, 2010

Attitudes in Exhibition

     In exhibition, you really have to show creativity. People will like it more when our exhibition is creative. And we will be really happy from it .When something is creative, it is unpredictable. Nobody could have the same idea as us. I am really creative. I always think of these new ideas that are out of the box. Most of the people in our group are pretty creative, too. You also have responsibility. If no one was creative, we would never be able to get anything done! I am pretty responsible, myself.
      I am also open- minded. I always welcome in new ideas that are really great. So basically, I am really open- minded to new, fresh, and interesting ideas. I can also be counted as a thinker, be cause I always think about making everything my best.

My Role in Book Drives

I am in the Book Drive group. We have to handle the book drive, food, and decorations. It's big role, but I think that our group can handle it.My role is to write an advertisement in our newspaper about the book drive. I have to tell people to bring lightly used books, because it is a ticket into the dance. August and Tanny are asking people to bring like a little collage as a decoration for the dance. Amrith is writing an ad to bring food to the dance. We all are making a big banner to tell people to come to the dance. I'm really excited! This will be pretty great, because so far, we are very far. We have already finished everything pretty much.So pretty much, I think that it will be pretty great.

Our Exhibition

      For exhibition, we have chosen to host a dance. It will include music, technology, a book drive, and food. It all pretty much ties into the theme. Oh, first of all, the the is Who We Are. This ties in, because we are showing who we are. Our class is a group of people that like technology, having fun, learning, joking, our culture/religion, and we LOVE listening to music.
      The dance will include the class' most favourite song. We each made a mix pod, and the songs that are most repeated will be chosen as our final song. It mostly ties into nature of self. We are showing our real inner self by a dance.
      For technology, some groups are finding funny videos. Since we love to laugh, we decided to show the other fifth graders that, too. Have them laugh! Also, we are sending pictures of us with our friends and family. This ties into human relationships including families, friends, and communities.
      The book drive is mostly to show that we care about the community, and we enjoy learning.We will collect books and send it to a shelter. The have to be lightly used or possibly new.Sending it to a shelter relates to mental health, because the shelter is for people that maybe have been broken up. That really affects their mental health.
       For food, we are asking people to bring their cultural foods. It ties into what it means to be human for some people.
       I think that is a really good idea. It will turn out to be really great! :)  

Tuesday, April 20, 2010


          As I was reading some blogs, I found out some connections between some people and myself. Amrith and I both like learning. Some other people in our class may not. I'm not going to say any names, though.There is also Angela. We both believe that people should always try their best in everything they do. Hard work always results in a good thing that will make you pretty happy. As you can see, I mostly connect to people that believe school and learning is pretty important to a person. Of course, I'm not that serious. I love to laugh, just like Felicia. A good joke here and there is always a thng that I welcome. Celia and I really like to get along with other people. Wow, the connections we have! I have never noticed that!
         I also noticed some connections between some other people, not including me. Amrith, Sameer, and Kevin all enjoy learning and they both go to Kumon (I knew that without even going on their blogs).  All of them pretty much value knowledge. A lot of us pretty much have connections. It's really cool once you find out!!
         Henry may think that he connects to no one, but he does. He says he stays phyically healthy by eating right and exersising. Well, other people do too! So basically, Henry isn't that unique. There are a lot more connections in our class that I cannot even name. It's up to us to find those connections between us!
          Our class can basically be described as people full of humor. We cannot go a single day without laughing! But sometimes, we can be pretty serious.

Monday, April 19, 2010

Reflection on Essays

          During the process of making my own personal, essay, I really had to think about myself. It may seem easy when you are making an essay on yourself, but it isn't. You really have to think about yourself, about who you are as a person. I even learned some fun facts about myself when writing this essay! I kind of feel alike and different with other people in my class. I never knew I was so alike with some people, or so different. It kind of opened my eyes to who I am. I learned more about myself through my beliefs and values. I never really noticed how much I cared about education and my family. I actually connected to some people! As I read over my essay, it was like learning at me through another person's eyes. Of course, I already did know some things about myself, so it wasn't like learning about me again. Still, I found that this activity was very entertaining and helpful.

          I really learned about some people in my class. They had some things about them that I may have never even heard of. I was really surprised when I read about some people (especially those who are very quiet during class/school). I found some connections and difference between some people and I. Take Felicia for example. She had a really good point of saying why she wanted to live longer. Felicia said that she wanted to explore the world as much as possible before her life was over. I had never really thought about that... I was shocked. That was, well, WOW! Another person was, Amrith. He really enjoys learning. I am not surprised. We can see that in class, without even reading his blog. I was both surprised and non-surprised. Aha! As I was reading Henry's blog, I found out that his ancestor's were German. I never knew that. Henry says that he is not proud of it. Well, he has his reason and I will not interfere.

Monday, April 5, 2010